Minggu, 18 Juli 2010

Video Trading Guidelines

If you are trading videos, make sure to verify some information just before you make the trade official.  

If game cut-ups, make sure exactly what cut-ups you are getting: Offense, Defense, and Special Teams, or just one side of the ball?  Also, it is a good idea to set an agreed upon date to send off the videos.  Make sure to communicate if you are unable to send off your video at the agreed upon time.  Stuff happens, but if you are too busy to send out a video, it is best to wait before making a trade.

I and several other coaches have attempted to trade videos with a Mr. O'Reilly, "oguru," but have never received a video back from him even after multiple requests.  Anyways, just a heads up.
Update from 10/22/09 - After a year and a half, I finally received my video from Mr. O'Reilly.

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