Senin, 05 September 2011

Patience People

This is a process. This process takes time, and I would think there will be bumps, many bumps along the way. Ferrum College football is going to endure growing pains, but there are things out there that as fans, we should be very excited about. For me I am very excited about the following:

The Norton Center. This is a facility that has been needed for years, and will be first rate. This 5.5 million dollar facility is likely the largest single campus expansion in the last 40 years, and may be the in the history of the college. This facility will be a showcase to the glory days of the past where football is concerned, and will serve as a building block for the future success of the program.

Hiring of Coach David Harper- Coach Harper is a proven winner, He should be allowed an adjustment period to implement his system, and the players will have a lot to learn and adjust to also.

Hiring of Ralph Isernia- Coach Isernia has a great track record at schools that he has worked at before. This was Coach Harper's first hire, and I think he scored big with this move.

The return of Chris Warren- This is bound to be a positive for the Panthers. Holder of many of Ferrum's rushing records, Chris has been brought in to work with the Panther running backs. He is volunteering his time to the program.

Recruiting- This has already improved as Ferrum had 160 in fall camp.

Overall, what this says to me is a complete commitment to the program by the administration. Ferrum is moving in the right direction, and while the loss to Emory and Henry is disappointing, the program is going to be successful. Maybe not in their next game, or maybe not in their next after that, but it is a process. It is a building process that takes time. I did not expect the loss to Emory and Henry, but it is one game. It is important for Ferrum to take all of the lessons they can from that game and make adjustments to improve. The program is moving forward, but it is a process. Be patient.

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