Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

GAMEDAY Time to Make a Statement

To this point in the season, Ferrum has had a good run. While it started a little rocky against Emory and Henry and Hampden-Sydney, things seem to have come together nicely. I could not be happier to see Ferrum at 3-2 with a 2-0 conference record. To this point, Ferrum has done fine. The next five games offer the best and the not so goods of the conference. Today, Ferrum takes on Methodist, and while their record does not show them as being that strong, the Monarchs do have the ability to put up points.They have a talented quarterback, and a very capable group of receivers.
Today is a day for the Panthers to make a statement. To really get the attention of the other schools in the conference, and possibly a good portion of the D3 world. This is a game that is not just important to win, but it needs to be decisive. It needs to be a shutout.. In the last three games, the defense has given up 19 points. This is really good, and something that Ferrum should be proud of. Interestingly enough, in 1965, the National Champion Panthers (Junior College) gave up just 19 points in three games also. The difference was that they won all of their other seven games as shut outs. That right, they gave up 19 points the entire year!!!!
While I know times are different now, and Ferrum is  not playing Junior College ball, this '65 National Championship team set the standard for all of the Ferrum teams to follow. They averaged 26 points a game, and gave up an average of 1.9 points per game. Amazing!!!
Today, the win is the most important thing. Ferrum needs to continue the momentum it has recently found, but it will speak volumes to the rest of the conference if all of the points are on the Ferrum side of the board.......Go Panthers

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