Minggu, 11 November 2012

Something to Hang the Black Hat On

Throughout life, I would say most people look to be recognized for an accomplishment. They hope to have their moment, and savor it. For some people, these moments are huge. Some are so huge that you can hear a phrase and know what that moment was...Think about these:

"The Giants win the pennant!, The Giants win the pennant!"
"One small step for man, One giant leap for mankind"

Now these two examples have become sort of iconic phrases that denote Bobby Thompson's "shot heard 'round the world", and Neil Armstrong's first step on the moon.

These are the extreme. The exception rather than the rule. The chances of a "moment" becoming famous is rare indeed, but never the less, most everyone has the desire to have that one moment.

Ferrum's season may not have ended as one would have hoped, but the accomplishments were many. In this season, Tim Reynolds set the single season passing record for Ferrum. Tarrell Owens had a three interception game that tied the school record. and  Lynwood Pickett did a good imitation of Usain Bolt with an interception return for a touchdown.

Scott Puschell was recognized as conference special team player of the week, as was Tim Reynolds recognized as offensive player of the week. Derrick West, Tyler Brubaker, and Tarrell Owens also received player of the week honors this season.

There are more awards to come, and more recognition awaits, but the individual recognition will never compare to the accomplishments of the "team".  The team that came back to fall camp to find so many that were expected to be there had gone in a different direction. The team that worked together, and against one another to secure a starting job. The team that saw players in positions they had never played before because they were needed there. The team that with so many new faces gave Emory and Henry a tough battle, learned from it, and quickly understood what it would take as a team to be successful.

The term team is something that is special. It is something that connects the individuals, and forms a unit. It is something that allows you to form bonds that will never be broken, and gives you an identity that is far more important than individual accomplishments.

The 2012 Panthers were a special bunch. A group that started the season with more questions than answers, but ended the season as a unit, strong in character, strong in their belief in their fellow teammate, and devoted to giving their all for the team accomplishments. This season may never lead to a Wikipedia page, or ever be associated with a recognizable phrase, but this team, was special, and represented Ferrum with class. In the long run it's the character you show that people will remember, and that being said, I do not see this team being forgotten anytime soon.

Congratulations Ferrum Panthers- Co- Champions of the USA South.

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