Senin, 04 Februari 2013


The Bullets concept is the final primary passing concepts of the Urban Meyer and Dan Mullen Florida Spread Offense (the others being H OptionFollowFollow PivotHouston).  Chris Brown of Smart Football / Grantland wrote a post on this same concept here that I would recommend reading as this article is quite brief.  Bullets is a Play-action Pass concept that was Florida's "home run" play during the Tim Tebow era.

The #1 WR runs a Post unless he sees Cover 2, then he will run a 12 yard Curl route.  The play doesn't need to be run with Jet Sweep action, although this action is very good for putting the Force player in a bind if he comes up for the run.

Bullets from Barry Hoover on Vimeo.

Tony DeMeo is on the Coaches Corner show here.  You can also check out his webpage at

Also, Pistol guru James Vint has a new blog:
Strong Football with Offensive Game Plan: You Be You

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