Minggu, 04 Agustus 2013

New Carlos Hyde Video with Audio and Transcript

By now, everyone has seen the surveillance video of Ohio State running back Carlos Hyde hitting a woman at a Columbus bar last month.  The incident looked like it could be the end of Carlos Hyde's career since Urban Meyer is well known as such a strict disciplinarian*.  In fact, Meyer put up this sign in the locker room to remind players of the high standards at Tosu.

Sure, the cynics out there might say that, "They need a big sign to remind their players not to steal?"  But those are just haters.

Following the incident in the video below, Carlos was suspended for three games - Buffalo, SDSU and Cal.  So what really happened that night at the bar?  The silent video most people have seen doesn't tell the whole story.  Now, for the first time, the MZone has obtained a copy of the surveillance video that contains sound and a transcript of what was said.  We think it shines an entirely new flashlight on the incident.  You be the judge:

* Yes, I had to clean off my computer screen after typing that due to the spit take. 

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