Minggu, 09 November 2008

Ferrum turns its attention to conference championship.

The day was beautiful, and perfect for football. White clouds against a lite blue sky and the mountainside displaying glorious autumn hues. For me, it was a chance to revisit my alma mater, and see many old friends that are wonderful reminders of my college years.

Yes it was a glorious setting for the game, but the results were far less enjoyable than what I had hoped for. The Panthers fell to North Carolina Wesleyan 41-14. While this game did not turn out as I had predicted, I find that there is really no value in going through the standard "recap". The game was essentially meaningless. Win or lose, Ferrum will travel to Christopher Newport to see who gets to represent the USA South in the Division III playoffs. Winner goes on, and loser goes home. Ferrum, had they won Saturday, would have possibly garnered a higher seed as a playoff representative. If they win this Saturday, they will likely enter the playoffs as a lower seeded team, which means they will be matched against a higher seeded team.
Before there is a need to worry about seeding, the Panthers have to stop CNU. How can they do this?

If Ferrum wants to be the USA South representative, the defense will have to hit on all cylinders. CNU has a very strong running game. Tunde Ogun is one of the top running backs in the country, (Was ranked # 2 gong into this past weekend.) He has been described as unstoppable. Is he unstoppable? Maybe...but he is containable. Saturday against Averett, Ogun had 228 yards. This is an awesome day for any running back, but the consistency that he has days like this is amazing.
Still there are other elements that Ferrum must dominate to win the automatic qualifier position. Its the standard fare...Time of possession, turnovers, minimizing penalties, and special teams play.

I think Ferrum has an important "to do" list before they get to Newport News.

Here it is:

1. Forget the NCW game. It truly was meaningless.

2. Watch as much film as possible of CNU, and Ogun.

3. Remember how you felt after the E&H game, and revisit how you prepared mentally for the next game.

4 Establish focus on your individual tasks and assignments. Do your job every time, and if the man across from you is beating you, then make an adjustment. You need to win this battle

5. Put them on the defensive by executing on offense. Score first, and score often.

6. Don't worry about the CNU/NCW one point game, remember the fact that Ferrum beat Averett 30-9 at Averett, and CNU only beat Averett by 6 at home.

7. All Ferrum fans need to be there for the support of the team...It has to be a consistent, loud chorus of support.

8. Don't even pay any attention to the pregame dance and yell that the Captains do on their sidelines. It is a big psych job. Don't buy into it.

9. Play hard every down, and force some three and outs. Defense must reestablish their dominance.

10. Think of how fun the 6 hour bus ride will be when you win!

This s what it comes down to. You can beat this team, and have the talent to do it. Push hard till the whistle...every play.

My prediction:

Ferrum 28

CNU 24

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