Minggu, 19 September 2010

Knights get first-ever win over Ferrum 20-17

The Southern Virginia University Knights traveled to Ferrum Saturday, and walked away with their first ever win over the Panthers. In the end it seemed to come down to the team that played the most consistent and made the fewest mistakes would be the winner...and in this case it was Southern Virginia.
In looking over the statistics, Ferrum was dominate in most all areas of the game. First Downs, Time of Possession, Rushing yards, and Passing yards. Ferrum also had far fewer penalty yards than the Knights.

A Tale of 2 Halves

In the first half, Ferrum had eight separate possessions. They resulted in an interception, 2 punts, a field goal, a missed field goal, a touchdown, a fumble, and a blocked field goal attempt at the end of the half.

In the second half, Ferrum had only four possessions. This is significant in that it would appear that SVU was dominating time of possession. This is not true. Ferrum had the ball over 7 mins. longer in the second half! This was due to an excellent defensive effort in the second half.These possessions resulted in a fumble, a missed field goal, a touchdown, and a missed field goal.

Where are the points?

After 2 games, Ferrum has scored 17 points in each game. In Saturday's game, Ferrum was in the red zone (Inside the opponents 20 yard line) six separate times. They came away with two touchdowns, and one field goal, but also had 2 missed FG's and a fumble. My concern is not whether they are making or missing the field goals , as much as why are they not converting touchdowns from the red zone?

This loss was in a way unexpected to me. I had said that Ferrum should have won, and won big...Obviously, I was quite a bit off on the prediction, but where did the difference lie? I think it came down to Ferrum struggling to finish. Finish a drive in the end zone. Finish a drive with points. Finish a drive without turning it over. While Ferrum looks good statistically, the difference lies in the red zone, and the consistency needed their.

This week, Ferrum travels to Bridgewater for their first road game. They need to shake this loss off, and look ahead to this week as a chance to improve. Focus on getting better. Everyone needs to research their individual role and responsibilities, and focus on executing EVERY PLAY! Take the frustration you are feeling, pack it on the bus to Bridgewater, and give it to the Eagles to keep for a while. Let's go get a W!

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