Minggu, 10 Maret 2013

Off Season Comes With its Own Challenges

As the 2012 season closed, the Panthers knew that the departing Senior class, was taking a good deal of talent from both sides of the ball. Two wide receivers, one running back, most of the defensive backfield, and the kicker, just to name a few.
While these losses were expected, there seems to always be a certain amount of players that for whatever reason, choose to not return to the team. The retention problem is something that most teams in the conference likely deal with, and can only be combated by an aggressive recruiting campaign. This is something that Ferrum has been very successful in. In speaking with Coach Harper last month, he indicated that he was very pleased with the recruiting progress, and campus visits by prospective players. Every coach must have this to keep the positions filled.

While losing players is one thing for a coach to deal with, It becomes a far different challenge to replace assistant coaches. Since the end of the 2012 season, Ferrum is down two assistant coaches. Chris Warren left the team soon after the end of the season, and most recently, Offensive coordinator Ralph Isernia has been hired as head coach at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). While this is a great opportunity for coach Isernia, vacancies such as these could change the entire off season plans for Coach Harper. In order to get things back to normal, Ferrum must get these vacancies filled as soon as possible. It is a somewhat lengthy process to fill any position, so the sooner the positions are advertised, the sooner the replacements can be put into place. It's already March, and Fall Camp starts in August.

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