Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Back in the Saddle Again!!!!

Well, it's official!  Got hired last week as the defensive coordinator at a local junior high school.  Looks like I get to get back up on that horse again.  Sorry it's been so long since I posted, I've been going to meetings and getting ready for the upcoming season.  I know I needed (or maybe wanted) a year off, but middle school football shouldn't quite be the grind that high school football is.  I like the idea of having most of my weekends off and even having Friday's off (as we play on Thursday nights) to spend with the family.  So, in reality, I will have some time off, yet still be around the game.  I think it's the best of both worlds!

Now that's how you watch film!

Now, what to run is the question?  Looks like I'm going with the 46 Nickel this season.  I'm going to see how that does in this "spread to run" league we are in.  I think we should be fine, however I'm always nervous when playing this much man coverage.  However, I love the aggressiveness of the defense.  We'll see!

Like I say, get to them, before they get to you!

Postings may be few and far between on here, but I will check back in occasionally when I get my stuff together.  Still looking for information on the 3-4 defense.  If anyone cares to share, maybe we can co-write a post or something.  Also, looking for good punt block schemes from any defense.  I would really like to start focusing on the special teams aspect of the game a little more.  If you got anything to share send it to .  I hope everyone has a safe and productive season, and remember keep your players safe, it's been brutally hot out there!!!!

Stay cool!


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